Peter Havercan's miscellania

I retired in 2011 from a job as a mainframe software developer. My employer called me a software engineer, but I preferred to think of myself as an artisan computer programmer.

Since I retired from full-time work, I've had a chance to work on some interesting projects. Here is a hotchpotch of links to some of them.


Even after leaving work, I continue to be enthusiastic about computing, both coding software and writing about it.

Secure Sockets Layer

Installing and maintaining SSL on CICS occupied a great portion of my working life. I thought I understood it then, but since retiring, I've been able to study it more deeply.


I have always enjoyed Mathematics, and studied it at University, but didn't pursue it in depth after I discovered computing. I am now catching up again, post-retirement. Here are some interesting topics at a level of secondary school maths.


We have been investigating our family tree since long before our retirement. The research results are recorded here.

Our Holiday Home

We bought our holiday cottage in North Wales as a holiday destination, and we also rented it out to visitors. But keeping it in tip-top condition was a project in itself, which we reluctantly ceased in May 2018. Until then, I maintained a website promoting its virtues, which is now closed down, but there is an archive copy of it in the Wayback Machine:

Favourite quotations

Many famous people are associated with famous aphorisms. Here is a list:

External Links

Here are links to stuff I wrote on external sites.

Here are some links to sites that are not authored by me, but reflect some of my interests.